Learn the Effortless Art of Deep Meditation


 “A meditation practice is like spiritual gold stored in the safest of places - the heart.  Treasure laid up inside our own hearts can never be exhausted and sustains us even in the most troubling of times. Meditation enriches all aspects of life.

Invest in the Self it is all we really have.”

Uma Laura Rose, Ph. D.



Rev. Uma Laura Rose, Ph.D.

Was trained to teach Transcendental Meditation by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1972. She taught TM for 20 years and was an assistant professor at Maharishi International University. In 1990 she meet her guru Amma and spent 12 years with her in India. Amma has instructed Uma to continue teaching people to meditate under her guidance.

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Who am I?

The struggle to know who we are, to find our purpose, to live a life that satisfies the heart does not always come easily and for some of us we may never feel we have found our essential nature, our truest self. It has been my experience that we find our essence when we dive deep and transcend the minds constant churning. In this stillness we begin to know the profound beauty of consciousness.

Ready to take the next step? Explore this site and then call for an appointment with Uma. All programs are on a donation basis.