Courses Available
Deep Meditation: Deep Meditation gives the seeker a direct experience of the Self. In addition, it relaxes the body, brings peace and joy to the mind, increases energy, improves health, and opens our hearts to the unconditional love which resides within us. Deep Meditation comes from an ancient oral tradition of knowledge which has been handed down from teacher to student for thousands of years. An essential part of this tradition involves the use of a mantra. The mantra is a sacred sound that has a specific effect on the mind and body. Through the proper transmission of the mantra the teacher assists the student in transcending thoughts to experience the silence of pure consciousness. This effortless meditation technique must be transmitted in a lively interchange between teacher and student. Once learned it is always there, available anytime or place. The course requires a commitment of Seven sessions: 1) introduction; 2) making a commitment; 3) initiation; follow-up sessions 4, 5 and 6 which are essential for the intellect to understand a variety of experiences in meditation; and 7) one week follow-up.
Healing Heart Meditation assist people in cleansing the our feelings of troubling emotions. Through using the power of the breath and sound students learn how to release old negative feelings and reduce the impact of negative feelings as they arise. This meditation is taught in two 3 hour sessions.
Reiki First and second degree Reiki classes are available for groups of 4 people. First Degree Reiki is taught in a one day workshop. Second Degree Reiki requires one night session of 2 hours and one day long session of instruction.
Spiritual Counselling If you have ever pondered any of these questions "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "What is really important to me?" "What is my relationship to God, the universe, the whole?" then you are a seeker. Sometimes it helps to talk about your experiences. Private counselling is available by appointment.
Discussion Groups: Topics covered include consideration of concepts like: grace, faith, transcendence, enlightenment, charity, science of being, consciousness, role of religions, common elements in world religions, morality, duty and anything else the group wants to consider.
All programs are offered on a donation basis.
Donations should respect the time required for the course and the traditions which have kept this knowledge alive from generation to generation.